Can We Make Companies Care About Your Health?


From fast food drive-throughs to Netflix autoplay, many of America's favorite products are designed to maximize profits at the expense of our health. But Thomas Goetz, co-founder of Building H, believes there's a better way. In this eye-opening conversation about corporate responsibility and public health, the former WIRED editor explains why changing company behavior may be easier than changing consumer habits – and how a new health accountability index could help transform American business.

We cover:

🏗️ Why the structure of modern society makes healthy choices nearly impossible for most Americans

📊 How Building H's new corporate health index is measuring companies' impact on consumer wellbeing

🎮 The surprising companies getting health right, from Pokemon Go to sustainable housing developers

📈 Why health metrics should be included in ESG frameworks and corporate KPIs

🏃‍♀️ The challenge of aligning corporate profits with positive health outcomes

🔄 How small product changes can drive meaningful population health improvements

💡 Why traditional public health approaches need reinvention for today's challenges

🏢 The role of public benefit corporations in building health-first businesses


About our guest:

Thomas Goetz is a journalist, entrepreneur, and author. He uses data and design and stories to help people understand and navigate complicated issues in their world.

Thomas is the co-founder of Iodine, an award-winning website that has helped millions of people make sense of their health and medicines. In 2016, Iodine was acquired by GoodRx, America’s leading source for prescription drug savings, where he presently serves as chief of research. Thomas was previously the executive editor at WIRED, which he led to a dozen National Magazine Awards in as many years. He began his career as a reporter at the Village Voice and the Wall Street Journal. He also wrote the LaunchPad column for Inc. magazine.

Thomas is co-founder of Building H, a nonprofit with a mission to build health into everyday life. He has written two books, most recently the 2014 bestseller The Remedy: Robert Koch, Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Quest to Cure Tuberculosis. He served as the first Entrepreneur-in-Residence for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Curator-in-Residence for Adobe Systems. His TED talk on visualizing medical data has been viewed half a million times.

Goetz holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master's in American literature from the University of Virginia. He graduated from Bates College, and lives in San Francisco.



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