Obsessed With Measuring Health


In this episode, Christine Lemke, co-founder and CEO of Evidation Health, shares how her personal struggles with chronic pain fueled her mission to transform how we measure and improve health outcomes. She shares the company's evolution and innovative approach to generating real-world evidence (RWE) using a global research platform serving millions of people.

We cover:

  • The power of real-world data and understanding health outside the clinic

  • Lessons from pivots: Evidation's journey to its current focus

  • How they recruit diverse participants, prioritize consent, and even compensate individuals

  • Accelerating research and making it more representative of the populations drugs will actually serve

  • Where the company's unique data platform goes next, and how it could change healthcare

About our guest:

Christine is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Evidation. Previously, Christine was the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Sense Networks, developers of the first machine learning platform for mobile phone activity data (exited to YP.com). She has also held roles at 3iGroup (Paris) and Microsoft XBOX, and co-founded Chicago-based Channel IQ, a product analytics platform. Christine has a BA from the University of Washington and an MBA from HEC Paris.



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