Ending the 30-Year Heist of Stolen Income From the Working Middle Class


In this episode, Halle speaks with Dave Chase, co-founder and CEO of Health Rosetta, who is on a mission to end the 30-year heist of stolen income from the working middle class. He’s working to popularize a new parallel economy: community-owned health plans (COHPs). Dave explains how these plans aim to transform healthcare from a driver of debt and bankruptcy to a driver of well-being and wealth.

Key points discussed:

  • The structure and benefits of community-owned health plans

  • How these plans can reduce healthcare costs while improving care quality

  • The role of primary care, including direct primary care models, in reshaping healthcare delivery

  • Challenges with the current employer-based health insurance system

  • Recent legal developments pushing for change in employer-sponsored health plans

Dave shares insights on how community-owned health plans can address issues like misaligned incentives, inefficient spending, and poor health outcomes. He also discusses the potential for these models to redirect healthcare savings into community investments, ultimately improving social determinants of health.vigating healthcare policy across changing political landscapes

About our guest:

Chase leads the mission for Health Rosetta which is to empower community-owned health plans (COHPs) with the vision of COHPs everywhere. Health Rosetta’s purpose is creating and re-investing the Health Rosetta Dividend (i.e., redeploying the currently wasted $1.5 trillion in healthcare to a higher & better use — the social determinants of health such as income, better food, etc.).

Health Rosetta plans have restored the American Dream for 10’s of thousands of people giving them raises/bonuses and healthcare they can access without fear of bankruptcy. Individuals that had sky high deductibles & co-pays no longer have that as a barrier (typically they are $0). School districts that once couldn’t give teachers raises or had to have school levies to pay for music, art and sports programs, now have the funds (due to healthcare savings) to pay teachers more, have bigger class sizes, avoid cutting extracurricular programs and more…all while giving teachers much better care outcomes.

Through best-selling books, writing for various media outlets, TED talk and TV/film have reached over 10 million people with the goal of engaging, equipping and empowering a broad grassroots movement designed to restore hope, health & well-being to our communities. Chase received the Health Value Awards’ Lifetime Achievement for Health Benefits Innovation at the World Health Care Congress.

Prior to Health Rosetta, Chase co-founded Avado which was acquired by & integrated into WebMD/Medscape, founded Microsoft’s 28,000 partner, $30B healthcare ecosystem and was a consultant with Accenture’s healthcare practice.



Obsessed With Measuring Health


Fixing What's Broken | Founding General Partner of Town Hall Ventures, Andy Slavitt